Lizzie McDuffie Facts

  • Georgia-native Lizzie McDuffie was a child of former slaves-turned-sharecroppers

  • Lizzie was a huge fan of literature and well-known for her recitations.

  • The “predictions” at graduation was that Lizzie was ”destined for the stage.”

  • Lizzie attended Morris Brown College but dropped out at the end of her third year due to finances.

  • Wanted to become a registered nurse, but went on to become a nursemaid for a prominent family in Atlanta.

  • While Lizzie became a trusted White House maid in 1933, her husband ”Mac” was FDR’s personal valet since 1927.

  • Lizzie and her husband were the only two servants allowed in FDR’s bedchamber.

  • Lizzie went on to campaign for FDR’s reelection in 1936 and again in 1940.

  • Lizzie and her husband spearheaded the ”political migration” of African Americans from the Republican to Democratic party during FDR’s presidency.

  • Lizzie screen tested for the role of Mammy in Gone With the Wind.

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